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How to run a successful guest post program with Rebecca Reynoso, Guest Post Program Manager at G2

Rebecca Reynoso is Senior Content Editor & Guest Post Program Manager at G2 and in this episode we’re talking about how to *actually* run a successful guest post program.

Rebecca manages G2’s editorial calendar for all guest article contributions, which combined have generated over 550K yearly website sessions, 80% of which are organic.

In this episode, Rebecca discusses:

  • The value of guest posting
  • How to draft a thorough and clear set of guest post guidelines
  • What goes into strong guest posting editorial standards
  • The story of how G2’s guest post program has evolved over time
  • The results G2's guest post program has generated

She also makes a great point about the ancillary benefit of relationship building when running a guest post program.

Don't miss out on hearing from similarly insightful guests in upcoming episodes by subscribing now on
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G2 Learning Hub
G2's guest post guidelines

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

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