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How to build an effective pipeline engine with Bruno Bin, Head of Marketing at Smarp (Podcast)

How do you multiply your lead generation in only a few months?

Bruno Bin, Head of Marketing at Smarp, knows the answer to this question. When he joined Smarp just under a year ago, he decided to create a solid foundation that would help speed up their lead generation process.

In this episode, Bruno shares their success story and we get to hear how their marketing team was able to 10X their lead generation and 2.5X their pipeline during his first six months at Smarp. 

We hear about their strategic shift to focus purely on the enterprise segment, and how  they succeed in it with careful positioning and narrative storytelling. As we learn about the improvements they made, Bruno shares his four-step framework for building a powerful pipeline engine and some of Smarp’s most effective demand generation tactics.

In this episode, Bruno takes us on a journey through Smarp's success story and we learn:

  • How Smarp's marketing team identified the opportunities that impacted the lead gen pipeline
  • Why they decided to focus purely on the enterprise segment
  • How they switched up Smarp’s marketing strategy
  • How they nailed Smarp’s positioning, messaging and narrative to fit their target audience
  • A four-step framework for building an effective pipeline engine
  • The art of lead engagement and building smooth processes between marketing and sales

Stay tuned until the end of the episode where Bruno takes on our fast five challenge and shares his best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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Enjoy the show! 🎉



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