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5 factors of growth for profitable SaaS businesses with Corey Haines, Head of Growth at Baremetrics

Want to level up your marketing, be more strategic, and produce your best work?

If not, let me stop you right here.

In this episode Corey Haines, Head of Growth at Baremetrics, walks us through the game-changing five factors of growth for profitable SaaS businesses. 

Corey uses first principles thinking and mental models in marketing to break down a profitable SaaS business in to its most foundational elements and reconstruct those pieces to understand what we as marketers should be doing. The five factors Corey has identified are Market, Product, Model, Messaging/Positioning & Channels. Corey explains:

  • How he identified the five factors for growth
  • A breakdown of what to consider for each of the five factors 
  • How he and the Baremetrics team applied this model and first principles thinking to the growth of their own business

This episode will make you rethink the way you think about marketing!


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Corey takes on our fast five challenge and shares his best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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Enjoy the show!



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