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Crazy experiments in growth marketing with Guillaume Cabane, VP of Growth at Drift (Podcast)

Guillaume Cabane, aka G, is a well known name within the world of SaaS. He's also well known by his other name, The Mad Scientist, for his original and out of the box experiments in marketing; he doesn't follow the playbook, he rewrites it.

Having recently joined Drift as VP of Growth, G shares with us his insights on growth marketing and how he’s planning to build up the growth function at Drift, including:

  • Why G decided to join Drift ⚡️
  • How he handled his first 100 days as the founding member of their growth team
  • The purpose of growth marketing at Drift and its role within their monthly product launches, known as marketable moments
  • How the team operates inbetween other functions and the SLAs they use to align sales and marketing
  • Some of G’s craziest experiments he’s run while at Drift 🔬
  • The big challenges facing growth marketers
  • How G plans to build out the growth team during 2018
  • The inside scoop on his famous hot coffee experiment ☕️


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Guillaume takes on our fast five challenge and shares his best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

Make sure you subscribe on iTunes and SoundCloud or so you never miss an episode of The Growth Hub podcast. 

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Enjoy the show!



Drift >>

G's tool recommendations:

Madkudu >>

Hull >>

Segment >>

Clearbit >>

Sendoso >>

Postmates >>

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