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How to adopt a growth mindset with Tanja Törnroos, Brand Manager at Zervant (Podcast)

Do you have a growth mindset? 👀

For Tanja Törnroos (former Lindner), Brand Manager at Zervant, she had to answer this question when on holiday with her fiancé in the Bahamas. Stood on the stern of a dive boat overlooking the shark infested waters of Shark Arena, the captain gave the signal to jump. In a split second Tanja could either back out and stay within the safety of the boat, or she could jump... 💦🦈

As marketers, CEOs or co-founders working in SaaS, growth is at the heart of everything we do and growth should be the true north for every SaaS company and every SaaS marketer. However, we face these dilemmas on an ongoing basis and when we do, we have the option to stay on the boat, or we can jump and push ourselves to grow — this all comes back to having a growth mindset.

In this episode we look at growth from a personal perspective as Tanja explains how you can adopt a growth mindset based on her career and experiences working in SaaS and at Zervant. We also hear about Tanja's next shark jump moment as she starts her own company offering digital marketing services to help companies enter the German-speaking DACH markets.

In this episode we look at:

  • why we need to adopt a growth mindset
  • the importance of having a growth mindset in marketing
  • Tanja's growth mindset framework and its three core principles
    • think like an entrepreneur 💡
    • explore like a pioneer 🗺
    • grow on your own terms 🌱
  • examples in growth mindset thinking from Tanja's professional and personal life
  • the Magic 20 Framework, an exercise to help you adopt a true growth mindset


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Tanja takes on our fast five challenge and shares her best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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Enjoy the show!



Zervant >>

Marie Forleo >>

Marie Forleo: How to get anything you want >>

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear >> on GoodReads

Teachable >> 

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