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How to build a culture of innovation, diversity and personal development in SaaS with Nicola Anderson, VP of Marketing at GoCardless (Podcast)

Nicola Anderson is VP of Marketing at GoCardless and she joined us on The Growth Hub Podcast to explore the topics of innovation, diversity, coaching, and personal development in SaaS.

This is one of the rawest interviews we’ve had on The Growth Hub Podcast and this episode all comes back to development on multiple levels, including as a SaaS company, as a marketing team, and as an individual.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The ingredients needed for innovation, how it’s impacted teams at GoCardless, and the building blocks needed to start building a culture of innovation
  • The importance of diversity in SaaS and what we can do to address the issue and get more women in tech
  • Imposter syndrome and how to overcome mental barriers that may be blocking your self-development
  • The differences between coaching & mentoring as well as how to develop yourself and those around you


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Nicola takes on our fast five challenge and shares her best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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Enjoy the show!




GoCardless >>

Brené Brown on vulnerability >> TED Talk

Play Bigger >> on Amazon

Slaughterhouse Five >> on Amazon

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Occam's Razor >>

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