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How to develop your SaaS website with Luke Summerfield, Founder of Growth-Driven Design at HubSpot (Podcast)

Episode 2 of The Growth Hub podcast is here and we're joined by Luke Summerfield of HubSpot, Founder and Godfather* of the Growth-Driven Design movement.

In this episode we’re talking about the one thing that is at the focal point of all SaaS businesses, the website. More specifically, Luke will be talking to us about Growth-Driven Design (GDD) which is a smarter and more agile way to approach web design and development.

Luke's background is in the agency world where he spent several years working with customers on their marketing development, which is where he first began to realise that the traditional approach to web design is broken. To fix it, he started building a new agile method that saw the launch of your website as the beginning of the process, not the end...

In this episode Luke opens up the topic of GDD and discusses how SaaS companies can benefit from this methodology, including:

  • The similarities between Sir Edmund Hillary’s Everest expedition and the website redesign process
  • How the GDD movement was born
  • What the GDD model is
  • The importance of GDD for SaaS businesses
  • How SaaS companies can get started with the agile GDD model
  • Where you can go to learn more about GDD


Stay tuned for the end of the episode where Luke shares his top 5 tools that help him build high-growth websites, as well as his best piece of advice for SaaS growth leaders.

Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and SoundCloud or so you never miss an episode.


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And let us know what you think by tweeting to us @SaaSGrowthHub

Enjoy the show!



Growth-Driven Design >>

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*Not official title :)