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How to use design experimentation to smash your growth goals with Molly Norris Walker, Head of Design & User Research at InfluxData

What is growth design? What does design experimentation mean, and why is it important for B2B SaaS companies?

In this episode of the Growth Hub Podcast, Molly Norris Walker, Head of Design & User Research at InfluxData, shares her best tips about scaling design experimentation for a better user experience to support growth. 

According to Molly, growth design means connecting users to more value in the product instead of building additional value within the product itself. She explains that growth design is deeply grounded in a high level of experimentation and optimization, and while it was born in the B2C space, it’s now making its way into B2B. 

Check out the episode in full to learn more about:

  • Why growth design is super important in B2B 
  • The relationship between design experimentation and product-led growth
  • A five-step framework for implementing growth design
  • How you can design growth loops into your SaaS business model

You’ll also hear an awesome growth design A/B test challenge at the end of the episode, so stay tuned to hear how that goes.


Happy listening! And continue the discussion by tweeting to us at @NordicEdward and @SaaSGrowthHub

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