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[Podcast] Being the First Marketer in a Fast-Growing Company

Pinja Virtanen is Marketing Manager at Swarmia; a fast-growing company founded just 3 years ago. In the past 6 months alone, Swarmia doubled its customer count and MRR.


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A bit of context

We know marketers are always looking for inspiration to increase their impact on their organization. Well, this is exactly what you’ll get here.

What makes Pinja’s journey particularly interesting is her eclectic experience.

Before Swarmia, Pinja worked as a Content Marketing Strategist at Advance B2B, and she was also in charge of Demand Gen later at Supermetrics. With both in-house and agency experiences, she became the first marketing hire at Swarmia. 

We invited her to hear her thoughts on what it's like to start as the first marketer in a fast-growing company.

During the episode, you’ll hear about:

  • What motivated Swarmia to hire their first marketer
  • How Pinja onboarded herself to create her role
  • What she decided to focus on at first (and why)
  • How to prioritize when there’s so much you want to do
  • How to experiment pragmatically to get relevant results
  • Pinja’s views on the eternal “hire a Generalist vs. Specialist” debate


Happy listening!



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Book recommendation:

Founder Brand: Turn Your Story Into Your Competitive Advantage by Dave Gerhardt >>


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