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How to turn new users into paying customers with Phil Byrne, Onboarding & Activation Lead at Intercom

Happy, long-term customers are often born from a positive onboarding experience. Those first interactions a new user has with your SaaS product set the tone for their ongoing relationship with your company. 

But how do you find the right balance between low-touch and high-touch onboarding? How can you tell if a user’s onboarding was successful? And most importantly, how do you get the right users to sign up for your product to begin with?

For complex SaaS products like Intercom, a one-size-fits-all approach to onboarding doesn't cut it. In this episode Phil Byrne, Onboarding & Activation Lead at Intercom, shares how to turn your new users into long-term paying (and happy) customers. No spoilers, but here’s one key piece of advice: “Trying to be as unannoying as possible will set you up for success in the long run.”

Phil talks us through the Intercom playbook for onboarding & activation, including:

  • Why you should build multiple onboarding flows based on user intent
  • How Intercom productises their “aha moment” and how Phil and the team help users reach it
  • How to maintain communication after a trial is complete to boost free to paid conversions
  • The way Intercom’s onboarding team works with marketing to ensure they’re delivering right fit users


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Phil takes on our fast five challenge and shares his best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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