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The brand affinity playbook: How to build a brand people love with Kristen Bryant, Brand at Wistia

Have you ever listened to a business podcast in the shower? 

If you have, chances are that business has done a pretty good job building a brand people love. And to compete in today’s overcrowded B2B SaaS market, that's exactly what you need to do. But how can you create a brand people actually care about and feel personally connected to?

To answer this question, we spoke with Kristen Bryant who works in partnerships, production, and brand marketing at Wistia. In this episode we explore the brand affinity marketing playbook as we cover the following topics:

  • Why B2B SaaS companies need to get serious about building a strong brand
  • The 4-step Brand Affinity Marketing Playbook
  • Why the future of B2B content marketing is episodic, binge-worthy shows like you’d find on Netflix or HBO
  • Why Wistia started a marketing talk show called Brandwagon
  • How to create a brand people love and have affinity for

(But seriously, let us know if you’ve listened to The Growth Hub Podcast in the shower.)


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Kristen takes on our fast five challenge and shares her best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers. 

Make sure you subscribe on iTunesSoundCloud & Spotify so you never miss an episode of The Growth Hub podcast.


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Enjoy the show!



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