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How Trello does Product Marketing with Jessica Webb, Product Marketing Manager at Trello (Podcast)

Trello is one of the most popular collaboration products in the world having hit 25 million users in September. However, it's also one of the most horizontal SaaS products, which makes the already challenging job of product marketing that little bit more difficult. So to unlock the secrets behind successful product marketing I caught up with Jessica Webb, Product Marketing Manager at Trello, to learn more and to also gain a peek inside how Trello does product marketing.

In this episode we explore the topic of Product Marketing to understand its role, its purpose, and how it differs from other forms of marketing, including:

  • The differences in product marketing when targeting new customers versus existing customers
  • How to measure the success of product marketing
  • How Trello’s marketing, sales, growth and product teams collaborate on product marketing
  • How Trello’s product marketing team work together as a fully remote team distributed across the globe
  • How Trello communicates its product messaging and value proposition, alongside how they localise it for different regions and markets around the world
  • Some common mistakes product marketers tend to make alongside the keys to success when it comes to product marketing


Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Jessica takes on our fast five challenge and shares her best piece of advice for fellow SaaS marketers.

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Enjoy the show!



Trello >>

Jessica's headline experiment (on HubSpot) >> 4 of the Best Growth Hacking Experiments

Creativity, Inc. >> On Amazon

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion >> On Amazon

Follow Jessica on Twitter >>