Customer research isn't as daunting as it sounds. You only need to talk to six people to gain insights and identify patterns to boost your marketing.
At Advance B2B, we start all our cooperations with a strategy phase. But what does it mean in practice? Hear all about it in this guest post from our customer Miira Leinonen.
Can Marketing and Finance work together? You bet. SaaS marketers, these are the growth metrics that interest your CFO. Find out on our blog.
The essence of growth marketing is bringing together the short-term hacks and the long-term strategy—closely tied to your brand. Why? Read it on the blog.
What are growth experiments? Well, for starters, it’s a critical puzzle piece in your process for growth. Read the full story on our blog!
B2B SaaS customer research is more than buyer personas. But what is it about and how can you really shape out your ideal customer profiles? Read this blog.
Churn is the silent killer of SaaS. But which department or role should be responsible for retaining customers? We asked 8 experts to spell it out.
Discover the Power of Growth Marketing! Unleash your B2B potential with data-driven strategies. Learn the difference between growth hacking and growth marketing.
In growth marketing success is measured in customer lifetime value — and not just acquisition, that is the essence of B2B SaaS growth marketing.
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