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[Webinar] Customer research in efficient marketing

In this webinar, we discuss how to use customer research effectively in marketing. The speakers are Veera Hevosmaa and Reeta Westman.

Efficient marketing with a slashed marketing budget πŸ‘›

Are you wondering how to use your marketing budget as wisely as possible? πŸ€“ The world's economic situation stubbornly continues to decline, and marketing has especially felt the shrinking budgets. Companies want to use money carefully so that they can support the company's growth even in more challenging times.

So, what should marketing be doing? To solve this dilemma, we decided to concretely show how to get the best out of a (tight) marketing budget.

One key strategy is to know your customers inside-out and prioritize the best-fit leads: leads that get the most value from your products and, as such, are most likely to convert. This is how you can maximize your marketing efforts and stay afloat. Customer research has a key role in determining who your best-fit customers are. 

Why do companies need customer research?

There are a million things marketers could do and would like to do. Too many possibilities, too little time! There lies the most common pitfall: marketers try to serve every single business area and segment at the same time.

This means they end up spreading their limited resources, hours & money, so thin, they don’t get results or get them so slowly, it’s hard to see what actually works and what does not. So we end up spending a lot of money on things that don’t bring in the money.

Customer research is a great way to find the right focus and use our resources in the smartest possible way.

From Pinching Pennies to Making Profit: Start with Customer Research πŸ€‘

In the third webinar, we focus on customer research. We talk about the ins and outs of customer research: what is it, how can you conduct it and what happens to companies that prioritize it. You'll also hear real-life examples from companies that have used customer research for their business. 

In the webinar, Veera and Reeta discuss these topics:

πŸŽ“ Economic downturn and its impact on marketing
πŸŽ“ Why do companies need customer research?
πŸŽ“ How to conduct customer research?
πŸŽ“ Real-life examples
πŸŽ“ Most common objections
