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What to do when you have limited resources but ambitious growth target? 🤔

Written by Advance B2B | Nov 17, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Hi there!  👋 

We know it’s almost year-end and you’re bulldozing through your to-do list. So, we’ll cut to the chase. If you’re pressed for time, the takeaway for this month’s letter is: 

🚀 November is the best month of the year to set goals for the new year ahead (and spend that rollover marketing budget). If you have limited resources and ambitious goals to achieve, consider outsourcing part of your marketing team

If you’re not pressed for time, read on 👇


Stay one step ahead:
Bring in the experts first, find the unicorn later 🦄

We’ve been getting a lot of questions on the pros and cons of building an in-house team vs. hiring an agency. 

To be honest, it was never an either-or debate to start with — it all depends on what you need in order to set your company up for success and growth. 

Hunting down that in-house marketing unicorn who excels at everything is a lengthy and costly process — not to mention borderline impossible. Even if you succeeded at hunting down a team of them, it still takes time to develop your marketing team into an expert team. 

While you’re busy developing your team to build that foundation, you’re also missing out on growth opportunities.  

When you have limited resources to build your marketing foundation, then it’s time to bring in the experts who can help you set your team up for success in a shorter time and for a lower cost. 

You can always find that in-house unicorn later when your marketing foundation is solid!

Read more 👉: In-house, growth marketing agency, or both: What should B2B companies choose?

Back to November being the best month of the year for goal-setting 

If you’re planning to wait till January 2023 to set goals, think again: 

⚓ January is the month of returning to work after a short break. For many, it’s also the month of recovery from holiday indulgence and New Year celebrations 😵‍💫 Most businesses (and people) tend to have a slower start until week 3 or so — effectively wasting almost an entire month.

🎅🏻 December is the month of holidays and winding down. Let’s be honest, we’re all looking forward to catching a break. Things will start to slow down in December and we all know it. We feel you!

⚡ November is the month when our minds are NOT YET in a holiday mood and we’re oh-so-ready for the final stretch of the year. Our engines are still running high. And not to mention, that rollover marketing budget you still need to spend. So why not make use of that combination to prep for 2023? 💪

That way, you set yourself up to put things into action as soon as 2023 rolls around — you’re already one step ahead while most people are still waking up from their holiday slumber.  

To wrap it up 🌯

November is the best month of the year to start setting goals before the holiday slumber sets in. You don’t have to wait for 2023 to roll around. Always stay one step ahead. 

If you have limited resources and ambitious growth targets to achieve, consider outsourcing part of your marketing team — we’re here for you! 👋

Until then, happy goal-setting! 🎯