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Our best growth reading tips for summer cottages

Written by Advance B2B | Jun 15, 2020 12:11:00 PM

Hi friend! đź‘‹ 

After this extraordinary spring, the pressure for future growth may be harder than ever. That’s why we, once again, picked our best growth reading tips for summer cottages, home offices or wherever you may spend your summer!


A growth marketer invests in scalable tactics

Too often marketing feels like continuously pushing water up a hill. In other words: even if you repeat the same things again and again, it never gets any easier.

That’s why a growth marketer is always interested in scalable tactics to ensure that marketing becomes easier, cheaper and more effective every day. However, the same tactics do not work for everyone, nor do they need to. In this article Rand Fiskin reveals why and how marketing scales: 


Better marketing through experimentation

"When it comes to marketing, it pays off to be a fast follower." As Kieran Flanagan points out, in marketing it is not usually a good thing to be a bystander. The one who gets to test new things first also learns the fastest. And the key to growth lies here: the one who learns the fastest also gets to double down on the findings first!

This slide set is already kinda old, but most of the content is still completely relevant today:


Ditch best practices to grow 🔥

The last two episodes of The Growth Hub podcast toy around with the same theme: how unconditional things, creativity and experiments can bring much more growth than the generally accepted best practices.

Another recurring theme in both episodes is the relationship between marketing and the product. As Rippling’s Matt Epstein states, "If you're generating tons of traffic for a crappy product, great marketing will just make your product die faster."

Listen to these two gems to hear the full stories:


How to get more backlinks?

One key thing in search engine optimization is link building, which means getting relevant links from others to your own site. This article brings together eight different types of link building with their pros and cons: 


Book of the Month: Blitzscaling

Our book for the summer season is Blitzscaling by Chris Yeah and Reid Hoffman. As the name implies, it gives tips to outgrow your competitors. What kind of business models, people and cultures do you need in order to grow rapidly? This and more is explained in the book.


Have a great summer!