Advance Insider | Growth Marketing newsletter

Can't see the growth path ahead? Your north star will guide you on ๐ŸŒŸ

Written by Advance B2B | Jan 19, 2023 4:20:34 PM

Hi there!  ๐Ÿ‘‹ 

We hope youโ€™ve had some well-deserved rest over the holidays and your engines are revved up for 2023! 

January is a good month to talk about goal-setting ๐ŸŽฏ if you hadnโ€™t done so already last year. Fret not, thereโ€™s always time to set yourself up for growth. 

If youโ€™re pressed for time, here are the important takeaways from this month: 

๐Ÿš€ Hang on to your goals, not your resolutions. Start by defining your north star metric.

๐Ÿš€ Goals with an action plan give you space to pivot and try new ways of doing things without losing sight of the target โ€” pretty much how we like to do growth.

๐Ÿš€ Resolutions are like pie-crust promises (quote Mary Poppins): easily made, easily broken. Theyโ€™re tactics without clear goals, thus making it easy to lose track of what you set out to do in the first place.

Focus on your goals, commit to taking actions

Goals are your strategy, and tactics are the actions you take to reach those goals. To figure out your goals, you first need to have your north star metric in place.

You canโ€™t improve what you donโ€™t know

A north star metric is a metric that helps track and measure the success of your business. It is a single metric that captures the overall success or failure of your business.

The purpose of a north star metric is to:

๐ŸŒŸ Keep you and your team focused on the most important aspect of your product or service. 

๐ŸŒŸ Measure your progress towards achieving specific goals and gives you a clear target to aim for.

๐ŸŒŸ Serves as a reminder to stay focused and not get distracted by other goals or tasks. 

๐ŸŒŸ Track the overall performance of your business, so you can make informed decisions and adapt quickly to changes in the market. 

Use your existing data to strategize and take you towards your north star metric. Identify trends, weaknesses, and opportunities in your market to understand your customers better and develop a plan for how to best reach them. 

Always (and we canโ€™t say this enough: always, always) track progress towards your goals, so you can measure the impact of your efforts and adjust your strategy as needed. 

Use your data to identify key performance indicators that will help you track progress towards your north star metric. For example: 

๐Ÿ“ˆ Customer lifetime value

๐Ÿ“ˆ Revenue per customer

๐Ÿ“ˆ Any other metric that is important to your company and product

By combining data analysis with goal setting and an understanding of your market, you can create a strategy that will help you reach your desired results. 

Here are some examples for setting marketing goals: 

๐ŸŽฏ Generate x leads

๐ŸŽฏ Increase customer lifetime value by x%

๐ŸŽฏ Increase brand awareness by x% 

๐ŸŽฏ Increase web traffic by x%

๐ŸŽฏ Increase conversion rate by x%

๐ŸŽฏ Launch x new products/services

๐ŸŽฏ Increase social media followers by x% 

Next, create an action plan that outlines the steps you need to take to reach your goals. This should include a budget and timeline. 

Some examples of marketing tactics: 

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Run a social media campaign

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Send out email newsletters

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Create content marketing campaigns

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Utilize SEO

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Develop an affiliate marketing program

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Launch PPC campaigns

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Develop a referral program

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Launch influencer marketing campaigns 

Finally, measure and analyze the results of your efforts and adjust your strategy as needed to ensure youโ€™re on the right track. 

If something isnโ€™t taking you towards your goals, donโ€™t do it. Itโ€™s time to pivot!

What if you donโ€™t have time to comb through data nor a large marketing budget? 

There are still plenty of ways to reach your north star metric. The key is to focus on the channels that are most likely to produce the best results for your business. 

Additionally, you can partner with other companies in your industry to share resources and costs.  

You can always outsource something to a third party so you can focus on setting SMART goals and tracking the progress of your efforts. 

To wrap it up ๐ŸŒฏ

Having your eyes on the goal rather than tactics takes you closer to your milestones in the long run. 

Start by writing down your goals. Then break them down into smaller achievable steps. Set a timeline for each step and measurable parameters that you can evaluate your progress against. 

Finally, set yourself up for success by creating a realistic action plan with achievable milestones that you can track and adjust to stay on track. 

Weโ€™re here to help if you need it. Weโ€™re also always really happy to hear from you!  ๐Ÿ’Œ

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