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Time to digital spring clean your martech stack! đŸŒ±

Written by Advance B2B | Apr 28, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Hi friend! 👋 

Spring has finally sprung! đŸŒ± It usually also reads “allergy season” for many of us — a warrant for proper home cleaning to remove dust and allergens build up over the long winter. 

But spring cleaning doesn’t have to be limited to your home.


Your martech stack needs cleaning too! 

We believe your martech stack should be a cornerstone of your marketing strategy. Okay, but why? đŸ€”

Simply put, your martech stack should: 

  • Provide data on your customers’ journey
  • Power your channel marketing
  • Deliver richer insights that set you apart from your competitors

The above ☝ boils down to accelerating your marketing strategy all the way through to your business goals and customer experience. 

Bonus: It also enables a seamless flow of information between the marketing, sales, and customer success teams. Yay!

3 reasons to digital spring clean your martech stack

  1. Gain access to the right data you need to increase your business performance. 

  2. Lower operating costs by eliminating tools that don’t add value to your workflows.

  3. Improve user experience for your customers throughout the funnel. 

A digital spring cleaning doesn’t mean overhauling your existing martech stack. It simply means running a tech audit (as you would do with your content) and figuring out what you need to add/change/drop. 

Essentially, choose only the tools that work best for YOU.

Let’s take a look at your funnel through this lens. What are the tools you need for each stage, and how do they integrate with each other?

If you’re uncertain about what you have or need in your martech stack, then it’s time for a tech audit. 


What's happening at Advance B2B? đŸŽ„ 🎙 📝

In-person events have become more precious to us than ever. So we try our best to meet once a month (without neglecting safety measures.) 

For April, we held a “Malmified Morning of Well-being” with a delicious breakfast spread and Joni Jaakkola as a speaker. After all, work is work.  Well-being is the most important thing. If you’ve been bogged down by work, we hope you’ve carved out some time to take care of yourself too! đŸ’Ș

Also, join the team of Advancers 🚀

If you’re looking for your next career adventure, consider joining our existing pool of beautiful brains. 🧠

Want to know if we’ll be a right fit for you? These should give you a rough idea: 


April reads đŸ“šđŸ€“

Okay, now time for things to add to your reading list!


Out with the old, in with the new. Keep what’s best for you!

Remember, a digital spring cleaning doesn’t mean an overhaul of your martech stack. You also don’t have to rush to purchase all 7000+ tools available for marketing. All you need is what works best for you and your customers. When in doubt, start with a tech audit.

As always, we really appreciate all your replies — greetings, ideas, thoughts, feedback. Keep them coming! 💌 And keep taking good care of yourself.